
Golden rules of getting a puppy: finding your pawfect matching

Golden rules of getting a puppy: finding your pawfect matching

Mini-Marley with siblings

Golden rules of getting a puppy: finding your pawfect matching

If you’ve seen how adorable Marley is, you may be tempted to find your very own doggo. Getting a puppy is such an exciting time, but it can also be fraught with nerves and indecision. Read on to discover how to find your perfect pup!

Having a dog is a big commitment, so we’d definitely recommend reviewing your situation before diving into becoming a dog owner. Puppies can be hard work, particularly initially, and require on-going time, money, training and attention so you should be sure you and your support network are able to fulfil these needs. That said, a dog can bring so much joy to your household, enhancing both your physical and mental wellbeing. We really can’t imagine life without Marley!

Align your dog breed choice with your lifestyle 

We might be biassed, but Marley is our perfect family pet. Based on previous ownership, we knew that a golden retriever was the right fit for us. They are eager-to-please, gentle with kids, charmingly placid (borderline lazy!) and relatively easy to train…But, if you are new to dogs there are plenty of online quizzes available to help you work out which breed is right for you beyond their devastatingly good looks.

Match your energy levels with your dog

When choosing the right dog for you, you may want to consider the amount of free time you have for exercise, training or companionship and the space you have for them. Dogs like poodles that don’t shed (also known as hypoallergenic) are a fantastic choice for those with allergies or looking to minimise grooming (and cleaning!). Terriers often tend to bark, so are less suitable for those looking to preserve a quiet environment. More sedentary breeds such as bulldogs suit smaller spaces and less exercise time, while vizslas make a great companion for runners. Generally speaking, smaller dogs require less exercise, but usually have a longer life expectancy than their larger counterparts.

Pedigree, purebred or mixed breed?

Pedigree dogs such as Marley are registered with a club or society and have a traceable family history, which often include some hilariously pompous names! They are purebred dogs where both parents are of the same breed. In comparison, crossbred, mixed-breed or mongrel dogs have parents of two or more different breeds either by breeder design, such as in the case of a labradoodle, or by chance such as in street dogs.

Healthy dog, happy owner

The American Kennel Club recognises 199 different breeds and is a great source of information on pedigree dogs. There are common health concerns in golden retrievers such as hip dysplasia and a heart condition called subvalvular aortic stenosis (SAS). All trusted breeders should be able to provide genuine paperwork detailing results of any requested health checks along with vaccinations and microchipping.

By contrast, the relatively unknown ancestry, health and provenance of non-pedigree dogs mean they are generally more affordable to initially purchase. While some mixed-breed dogs might not be as appropriate for first-time owners or those with kids, the wider genetic pool that these dogs come from can actually make them less predisposed to health problems and therefore cheaper to insure. Plus, there are so many good dogs that need a home.

Whichever type of dog you choose, we highly recommend only purchasing from a responsible breeder, pet shelter or rescue organization to avoid unwittingly fuelling the cruel trade in puppies. Ensure you can chat freely to the breeder and have any questions answered and that you are able to visit the puppy along with its mother and littermates once it is born.

Are you thinking of getting a puppy? What is your favourite dog breed and why? Let us know in the comments below!

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